The Pilgrim’s Way is a 3 mile walk from the English mainland along a tidal causeway that leads to the the Holy Island of Lindesfarne. It is the route that has been used to access the island for hundreds of years, long before the causeway road. Along the route there are Refuge Huts that stand alone in the inlet, weathered and resolute, offering protection from the fast changing tides. Holy Island is located off the Northumberland Coast in North East England. For this shot I waited in the shallow water with my camera for almost an hour for a shower to pass and the sun to drop. When it finally did there was only a minute or so of warm light where the Refuge and Pilgrim’s Walk Poles to the left were illuminated and a feint rainbow hovered in the distance to the right.
All images and designs are the copyright property of Robin Nisbet, Insprint IDP Limited and 2899 Australia Pty Ltd. No reproduction for any purpose without prior written permission.